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Opcode number: 144
Byte representation: 0x90
Short description: Converts the top item on the stack to its absolute value.

OP_ABS changes the top item on the stack to its absolute value, effectively removing any negative sign if present. This operation is useful when only the magnitude of a number is needed, regardless of its original sign.

Operation ​

  1. Take the top item from the stack.
  2. If the item is negative, make it positive.
  3. Push the result back onto the stack as the new top item.

Notes ​

  • OP_ABS works only on items that can be interpreted as integers, which in Bitcoin Script means byte arrays up to 4 bytes in length.
  • If the top item is already positive or zero, applying OP_ABS has no effect.
  • If the stack is empty when OP_ABS is executed, the script will fail.

Examples ​

Example 1 ​

Converting a negative integer to its absolute value:

# ASM script

# Raw script

# Stack (before OP_ABS)
-1  # top

# Stack (after OP_ABS)
1  # result after taking absolute value

Example 2 ​

Applying OP_ABS to a positive integer:

# ASM script

# Raw script

# Stack (before OP_ABS)
2  # top

# Stack (after OP_ABS)
2  # no change, already positive